Shopping List for Cardiovascular Disease

Table of Contents

Below are items which have been demonstrated through scientific or clinical studies to have significant positive effects on cardiovascular disease. These are provided for educational and research purposes only. As always, be mindful of any allergies you may have and consult with your physician before starting any regimen in addition to your prescribed therapy.

  • Hawthorn extract (Crataegus oxyacantha; for heart failure
  • Arjuna extract
  • Vidari kanda (Ipomoea digitata)
  • Purslane (for atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetes)
  • Motherwort


Dehghan F, Soori R, Gholami K, Abolmaesoomi M, Yusof A, Muniandy S, Heidarzadeh S, Farzanegi P, Ali Azarbayjani M. Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) seed consumption and aerobic training improves biomarkers associated with atherosclerosis in women with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Scientific reports. 2016 Dec 5;6(1):37819.

Dwivedi S, Chansouria JN, Somani PN, Udupa KN. Effect of Terminalia arjuna on ischaemic heart disease. Alternative medicine. 1989;3(2):115-22.

Jain V, Verma SK, Katewa SS. Therapeutic validation of Ipomoea digitata tuber (Ksheervidari) for its effect on cardio-vascular risk parameters.

Ritter M, Melichar K, Strahler S, Kuchta K, Schulte J, Sartiani L, Cerbai E, Mugelli A, Mohr FW, Rauwald HW, Dhein S. Cardiac and electrophysiological effects of primary and refined extracts from Leonurus cardiaca L.(Ph. Eur.). Planta medica. 2010 Apr;76(06):572-82.

Zapfe GJ. Clinical efficacy of Crataegus extract WS® 1442 in congestive heart failure NYHA class II. Phytomedicine. 2001 Jan 1;8(4):262-6.

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